Web Hosting Geeks - Web Hosting Resource

I have found a great new hosting site which I'm sure You'll enjoy. It's called WebHostingGeeks!
In recent days I've been searching a hosting site which will satisfy my constant needs of great hosting packages and I can hapilly say that I've found it with Web Hosting Geeks.

In their site they publish great news from the hosting industry, they have great reviews about hosting packages and the thing I like the most is the list of packages that offer a free domain with the hosting package. - Why spend money on domain when You don't need to, right?

So, when You are looking for a new hosting site, what do You really need to know about the site itself? Is it the server type or speed, or is it disk space, or is it really the price of the package that has the most weight on your decision?
Another question: how do you find the right hosting package that will satisfy you? Do you search the web for days and then still find nothing. - Those days are over, because WHG provide excatly what you need. - Answers to all of your hosting related questions and at the same time a resource to find the hosting company you need.

When you find what you need at web hosting geeks, try to browse around their blog section. I've found this article about hosting CMS very informative.

OK, that's it for today, you now know where to find your webhosting!

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